Little Yogis

» Little Yogis

About the class

Best for: All Levels

Day & Time:

Wednesday 4:00 to 4:50 pm

Location: Ashrafieh



Yoga Instructor

When it comes to meditation and mindfulness, start them young. Based on Hatha Yoga, each Yoga Kids class covers breathing and meditation techniques, sun salutations, yoga poses, and games, as well as relaxation and chanting sessions.
Learning yoga in a fun, interactive, and playful way will leave your little ones with a sense of calm, focus, and mindfulness that will help them navigate and juggle their active lifestyles.

When would you like to take the class? Drop-in Price: 20$(*)

*Price only applies for drop-in users who have not purchased a package from Namat. Click here to see our packages.
Branch Schedule time
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