Moving from Fear to Love with Kundalini Yoga.
“Your strength is how calmly, quietly and peacefully you face life
-Yogi Bhajan
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is an age-old practice that promotes well-being, happiness and spiritual awareness. It combines postures and movement, breathing techniques, mantra and meditation into powerful sets that automatically guide the energies of the body and the mind to a specific result or change of consciousness. During this workshop, and with the help of the powerful practice of Kundalini yoga, we will let go
of the primal fears to make way to love. We will go through kriyas and pranayamas that will flush fear and anger out from the kidneys and liver, we will then open up the way to the heart center and end with the Siri Gaitri mantra, a meditation that calls on the moon the sun and all elements to move forward from the heart.