Wake up It’s summer !

Summer vacation is one step away, and swimming suits too ..

Unless we have reached a “Super enlightenment “ stage, or a total “let go” and extremely high self esteem , most of us , adults, are concerned about how we look like in swimming suits ! 70 percent of which get obsessed about the fat, right before summer !

A few steps are strongly recommended to get over this “panic state” and work on it gradually before the opening season.

And the first one is to put our thoughts and soul into the right state of mind :

– Embrace who you are, rather then constantly judging what you look like and putting yourself down : Putting yourself down will only roll you downhill and nothing will satisfy you anymore .

– Stop food and fat talk ! There are so many more interesting topics to talk about ! 

 – Look less in the mirror and more into the world !

– Remember that people see you way better then how you see yourself !

The second step is to work on your body by changing your lifestyle if needed :

– Be more active on a daily basis (walk more , take the stairs, do house chores when in ..)

– Work out on an empty stomach : your body will pump the storage of fat and sugar as a
mean to produce energy .

– Incorporate cardio in your practices or workouts.

– If you’re willing to change your diet , switch to fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, seeds,
legumes, fatty fish, and tea it helps accelerate fat burning and improve body composition. Meanwhile, avoid fried foods, sugary snacks, sugar-sweetened beverages, and excessive alcohol intake.

Luckily for you : Our teachers in Namat prepared a few sessions that incorporate vigorous workouts, and that focus on the core to get you all prepped out for summer .

Check, mix,  match and have fun !

And remember that whatever you do, and however you do it : you are “Amazing” ! So keep a positive mind , And do your best !

Namaste 🙂

Catherine Chidiac


Obliques blast With Steffy
Power Pilates With Maissa
Full body pilates with Nikki