Carmen is a dedicated mom, holding an Master in Business Administration (MBA) currently working in the HR scene while finding her zen in pilates. Her pilates and yoga love story began in London where she used to work, kicked into high gear in Dubai where she used to live and hit a peak with a 200-hour yoga adventure in Rishikesh, India where she spent a full month. Now back in Lebanon, Carmen is all about that pilates life, seamlessly blending it with the joys of motherhood and the corporate hustle: “pursuing your passion keeps the balance in life’s crazy ride” said Carmen.
Carmen is a dedicated mom, holding an Master in Business Administration (MBA) currently working in the HR scene while finding her zen in pilates. Her pilates and yoga love story began in London where she used to work, kicked into high gear in Dubai where she used to live and hit a peak with a 200-hour yoga adventure in Rishikesh, India where she spent a full month. Now back in Lebanon, Carmen is all about that pilates life, seamlessly blending it with the joys of motherhood and the corporate hustle: “pursuing your passion keeps the balance in life’s crazy ride” said Carmen.